Education, Research & Innovation

The Ocean Atlas was produced in 2017 to show human impacts on the ocean. It includes information on the topics listed and you can find out more here.

  • the microplastics problem
  • the dangers of declining diversity
  • how the ocean slows climate change
  • warming waters and rising risks
  • exploitation and protected areas
  • who owns the ocean

Social/Community Impact

A review of Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do published in the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanographyā€¯ can be found here.

  • investing in skills and training
  • stakeholder and community engagement
  • attracting new workforce and new boaters
  • investing in innovation


Biodiversity is essential to the health and wellbeing of our oceans and waterways, we focus on a number of difference biodiversity areas, specifically:

  • glofouling and the importance of stringent biofouling measures
  • end of life boats and how marine vessels are disposed of
  • the decarbonisation of the recreational marine industry, see more here
  • pollution awareness

Climate Change

ICOMIA acknowledges that the climate is changing and the evidence is unequivocal. In order to mitigate the threats and risks associated with climate-related events, we must support countermeasures to the rising challenge of climate change and build upon the current sustainable environmental practices. This paper outlines the background, the threats and risks, the increasing global concern, and proposes a call to action.

Download the Climate Change Policy Paper

Download the Letter of Declaration
