New marinas require environmental assessment from central Government, regional goverments and town council. Financial support for development in some regions. Every year it is more difficult for the construction of new marinas.
RRG Categorie: Marinas and Harbours
Boat Licensing and Skippers Certificates Design, Construction and Compliance Requirements of Boats and Components Environment Health & Safety/Exposure Levels Marinas and Harbours Operating Limits Product Liability Registration Regulations for charter boats Safety Equipment Taxation Zero Emission Zones
Spain – Marinas and Harbours
New Zealand – Marinas and Harbours
All new marinas and extensions to existing marinas require environmental assessment from local Government.
Singapore – Marinas and Harbours
Agency or agencies handling licencing of concessions MPA and URA
Applicable VAT for guest charges GST rate is 8%
Agency which handles dredging MPA
Technical standards for the construction of marinas Marinas need to be certified fit for use by a Class Society Surveyor
Environmental impact assessments needed YESTurkey – Marinas and Harbours
Law# 2634 ( by Ministry of Culture and Tourism) regulates rules to build and operation of Marinas. Even private sector is encouraged to built new Marinas, permissions from more than ten authorities may take up to 5 years.
Poland – Marinas and Harbours
All marinas, private or public, are obliged to provide collection facility, acc. to ISO standard for holding tanks ref. to the Baltic Convention.
Japan – Marinas and Harbours
There are technical standards for harbours concerning the construction of marinas. Under the Ports and Harbours Act, restrictions are imposed on each vessel for the sake of traffic safety and order in harbours.
Australia – Marinas and Harbours
The 1995 Commonwealth Coastal Policy provides a framework under which each state implements its own regulations regarding marinas and harbours. Most states have a Code of Practice regarding antifouling and legislation regarding sewage disposal. BIA member associations and and MIA promote the Clean Marinas Program.
USA – Marinas and Harbours
Local jurisdiction standards govern expansion and new development of marinas. There are federal guidelines for handicapped access. A range of environmental and safety regulations relevant to marinas and harbors are in force at federal, state and local level. More detailed information can be found at For information on relevant federal environmental regulations, please visit
Italy – Marinas and Harbours
Since 2001 planning and standards for new marinas are developed by regional administrations. The new projects are approved according to these standards by the local coastal communities. For very short period mooring a reduction of VAT is granted, provided that the Marina respect some requirements (e.g. waste water collection).
Netherlands – Marinas and Harbours
Special legislation for marina’s has been consolidated with other sectors, but is still valid when a company does manage a marina of boatyard. Strict environment requirements and health/safety requirements are imposed on all marina’s.