RRG Categorie: Marinas and Harbours

Boat Licensing and Skippers Certificates Design, Construction and Compliance Requirements of Boats and Components Environment Health & Safety/Exposure Levels Marinas and Harbours Operating Limits Product Liability Registration Regulations for charter boats Safety Equipment Taxation Zero Emission Zones

  • Ireland – Marinas and Harbours

    Financial assistance available in designated areas. New planning permissions being delayed.

  • Germany – Marinas and Harbours

    All new marinas and extensions to existing marinas require environmental assessment. Minimum requirements for number of toilets, showers, waste disposal, oil separation, holding tank withdrawal. Regional regulations. No financial support for development.

  • Portugal – Marinas and Harbours

    Shortage of facilities. Government is supporting the construction of marinas and recreational ports. These facilities require environmental assessment according to number of berths.

  • Finland – Marinas and Harbours

    Voluntary Marina Standards in force.

  • Hungary – Marinas and Harbours

    National regulations for safety equipments, enviromental requirements, other standards. All marinas must fullfill the requiremnts and have a valid license.

  • Switzerland – Marinas and Harbours

    Approval to build new marinas is almost impossible for ?environmental reasons?.

  • Denmark – Marinas and Harbours

    All marinas, private or public, are obliged to provide collection facility, acc. to ISO standard for holding tanks ref. to the Baltic Convention.

  • Cyprus – Marinas and Harbours

    Law 4/1977 for Marinas and Yacht Harbours regulates operation and prices. Great shortage of facilities. Government invites Private Sector to invest in specific locations after these have undergone primary environmental impact analysis/assessment carried out by the Government. Marina and Yacht Harbour construction legislation and lease agreements under rigorous consideration. All construction works on coastal zone require environmental impact analysis/assessment. No financial support for development at the moment.

  • Greece – Marinas and Harbours

    A new marinas standard is under consideration. Financial support from the government is available.

  • France – Marinas and Harbours

    Since 1st January 2008, all recreational crafts built after 1st January 2008 calling in marinas and organised moorings shall be fitted with holding tanks or on-board water treatment system. No specific performance is required. Loi du 3 janvier 1986 relative ? l’am?nagement, la protection et la mise en valeur du littoral, dite ‘loi littoral’ (concerns improvement and conservation of coastal and marine environment, and coastal development). Local improvement plans are foreseen for marinas and harbours. The implementation of EU Directive 2000/59 on port reception facilities requires pumping stations for waste products in marinas and harbours to be progressively installed. It is the same for boats on careen sites. The French ordnance n?2005-898 of 13th August 2005 transposes the EU Directive into French law.
