RRG Categorie: Boat Licensing and Skippers Certificates

Boat Licensing and Skippers Certificates Design, Construction and Compliance Requirements of Boats and Components Environment Health & Safety/Exposure Levels Marinas and Harbours Operating Limits Product Liability Registration Regulations for charter boats Safety Equipment Taxation Zero Emission Zones

  • Japan – Boat Licensing and Skippers Certificates

    Under the Domestic Law, those who operate any boat or ship of less than 20 gross tons (or any pleasure boat less than 24m in length) are obliged to obtain drivers licences. There are 3 categories of drivers licences. 16 years old and over can get the 2nd grade and PWC licences and 18 years old and over can get the 1st grads licence. No licence is required for drivers using under 3m length boat and 1.5kW engine power.

  • United Kingdom – Drivers Licences

    No national compulsory licensing scheme. Certain controlling authorities demand a certificate of competence as a condition of permit to launch

  • Italy – Drivers Licences

    From July 2005 licence is required to drive: – PWCs, – any boat (Lh up to 24 m) when navigating over 6 miles of distance from the coast, apart from the engine power, – boats (Lh up to 24 m) with engines power over 30 kW (apart from distance from the coast). Two types of licence are issued: – within a limit of 12 miles from the coast, – without any distance limit. For pleasure vessels with Lh >24 m a special licence is required. Italian law deals with manning and professional titles for seafarers signed on charter yacht. Minimum age is required according to the following: – 18 years for boats over 10 m in length of the hull – 16 years for boats up to 10 m in length of the hull – 14 years for sail boats with sailing area larger than 4 sqm and for rowing boats when navigating over 1 mile from the coast

  • USA – Drivers Licences

    The United States does not issue drivers licenses for boaters. However, there is an increasing trend at state level for mandatory boater education, and most states require training for juveniles. For information on boating education requirements by state, please visit http://www.nasbla.net/referenceguide/index.php?queryID=2.1.

  • Singapore – Drivers Licences

    Mandatory licensing of powered pleasure craft drivers. An advanced license is required for craft above 24 metres

  • Estonia – Boat Licensing and Skippers Certificates

    Skippers Certificates issued by Transport Administration: https://www.mnt.ee/eng/driver/driving-licence/certificate-skipper-recrea…Recreational Watercraft (PWC and recreational craft between 2,4 and 24 m) registered by Transport Administration: https://www.mnt.ee/eng/registration-watercraft-and-amending-register-dataRecreational Watercraft (recreational craft and personal watercraft) must pass a pre-registration inspection test at the Road Administration or Maritime Administration before they can be registered. Pre-registration inspection tests of watercrafts that are new and being registered for the first time may also be carried out by an official importer or producer of the watercraft who has concluded a relevant contract with the Transport Administration.Ships (workboats and passenger ships, incl charter yachts over 12m; recreational boats over 24m) registered by Maritime Administration under Law of Ship Flag and Ship Registers Act: https://www.riigiteataja.ee/en/eli/ee/520042020002/consolide/current

  • Hong Kong – Boat Licensing and Skippers Certificates

    Pleasure Vessel Operator License – Grade 2 (for vessels up to 15m)https://www.mardep.gov.hk/en/pub_services/pdf/pvoc_guide.pdfPleasure Vessel Operator License – Grade 1 (for any sized vessel)Pleasure Vessel Certificate of Ownership and Operating License to be applied for any vessel with engines over 4hp.https://www.mardep.gov.hk/en/forms/pdf/md515.pdfhttps://www.mardep.gov.hk/en/forms/pdf/md515n.pdf