Styrene Exposure Levels – No national regulation in force regarding this matter.
RRG Country: Portugal
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Portugal – Health & Safety/Exposure Levels
Portugal – Marinas and Harbours
Shortage of facilities. Government is supporting the construction of marinas and recreational ports. These facilities require environmental assessment according to number of berths.
Portugal – Product Liability
EU Directive
Portugal – Registration
National registration for all boats in force.
Portugal – Safety Equipment
Depending on navigational zones.
Portugal – Drivers Licences
6 categories of driving licenses: Carta de Principiante (Beginner’s Card) permitting driving boats up to 5 m and 4.5 kW in daylight navigation up to 1 NM from the shore. Carta de Marinheiro (Sailor’s Card) for ages of 14 to 16, permitting driving boats up to 5 m and 22.5 kW in daylight navigation up to 3 NM from the coast and 6 NM from a shelter. Carta de Marinheiro (Sailor’s Card) for ages of 18 or more permitting driving boats up to 7 m and 45 kW in daylight navigation up to 3 NM from the coast and 6 NM from a shelter. Patrao Local (Local Skipper) permitting driving boats in navigation up to 5 NM from the coast and 10 NM from a shelter. Patrao de Costa (Coastal Skipper) permitting driving boats in navigation up to 25 NM from the coast. Patrao de Alto Mar (Deep Sea Skipper) permitting driving boats without navigation limits.
Portugal – Environment
Propulsion power limit of 110 kW and 6 m height on dam reservoirs. This was reported to the EC Commission as a non notified technical regulation. Rule planning of certain reservoirs do not permit the navigation of cabin crafts and boats with 2-stroke engines. Environmentalists are supporting these restrictions.
Portugal – Construction Standards and Certification
Some of the authorities still impose older certificates e.g. tonnage. Homologation for radio telephones and radars.