Smart Marinas: Navigating the Digital Transformation


The ‘Smart Marinas Initiative’ was introduced in light of a pressing need for the marina industry to respond to the technological developments such as digital transformation processes that enhance efficiency, and seamless user experiences across the transportation and hospitality industries. The ICOMIA Marinas Group (IMG) realised that there is clearly some considerable scope for ICOMIA to assume a global…


About this product

The ‘Smart Marinas Initiative’ was introduced in light of a pressing need for the marina industry to respond to the technological developments such as digital transformation processes that enhance efficiency, and seamless user experiences across the transportation and hospitality industries. The ICOMIA Marinas Group (IMG) realised that there is clearly some considerable scope for ICOMIA to assume a global role in developing programs on crucial marina-related issues such as interconnection, data collection, and sustainability.

To kick off the process for the future work needed in terms of regulation, policy making, and development of best practices, IMG started by developing this first draft of the concept behind
Smart Marinas and Digital Transformation, outlining the vision, and defining some basic terms.

This document aims to achieve three main goals:
1. Describe the reality which requires marinas to become smart
2. Define the term “Smart Marina”
3. Briefly outline the building blocks that the “Smart Marina” concept is built upon

Following the publication, further work will be conducted to detail the concept into a practical plan.

