ILO’s Maritime Labour Convention 2006 will also apply to yachts less than 24 meters that are engaged in commercial activity with professional crew. Unlike the IMO, which in general only begins to regulate above 24 meters Load Line Length, it appears there is no lower limit for the ILO.
According to Article II.6, countries that have consulted with ship-owners and seafarers organisations are allowed to vary the requirements of the MLC “with respect to ships less than 200 gross tonnage not engaged in international voyages”. Furthermore, in Regulation 3.1 (Accommodation and recreational facilities), Standard A3.1.20 allows some relaxation of accommodation requirements.
If your country regulates yachts under 24 meters, which are engaged in commercial activity with professional crew, ICOMIA strongly urges you to pay attention to your national regulations concerning the application of the MLC 2006.
Alongside other associations, ICOMIA has been heavily engaged with the application of this ILO’s Maritime Labour Convention 2006 to superyachts and will be participating in the UK MCA’s development of their national regulations for yachts under 24 meters. ICOMIA is available to provide advice to our members should they require assistance. (Not an ICOMIA member yet? To join us, click here)