Created in 1969 by the leading boat builders, CACEL, became the main tool of a centennial industry. Originally formed only by boat builders over the years it broadened the scope of interests represented and today is home for 98 full members and 46 sustaining members. The activities covered are boatbuilding, boat maintenance and repair, brokerage, marinas and dry storage, boating insurance, marine engine service and distributors, marine retail stores, delta tourism infrastructure, and personnel training. CACELs job is to protect its members interests, promote boating, negotiate working conditions with the industry`s labour unions, help members export, discuss regulations with authorities overcoming those unnecessary or excessive, discuss taxation and inform and advise members on industry safety and contamination risks. As important is to promote fun and safety for family boating in clean waters. Argentina`s most important industry events are the Buenos Aires Boat Show, since 1983 with the next one being held on October 2 thru 12, 2009 and the Foro Nacional de la Nautica, a forum held yearly in which all industry, Coast Guard, National Industry and Economical authorities, coast communal, sports, Sailing Federation and classes join to find better, safer and cleaner ways for the future. The Directive Committee of CACEL is elected yearly in halves.
Camara Argentina de Constructores de Embarcaciones – CACEL

Camara Argentina de Constructores de Embarcaciones – CACEL
Full Member
Daniela Martel
Av del Libertador 433
Buenos Aires