Although New Zealand is a small island nation a long way from the main centres of world population, it is a leader in all facets of the marine industry with much to offer beyond its shores. The NZ Marine Industry Association (NZMI) not only represents the leading designers, builders, importers, exporters and marine sales and service companies but is also responsible for the training of its boatbuilders and related marine trades and professional people. The NZ Marine Industry Training Organisation is responsible for writing the curriculum and is currently involved with 550 trainee boat builders: the NZ Government has implemented a new training system whereby each industry group has a major say in the training of its own future employees and employers. Based on information gained through the NZMI membership of 500 companies, we estimate the total annual turn-over of this industry to be in excess of $1.7 billion per annum. Of this approximately $650 million is in exports. New Zealand has one of the highest boats per capita ratio in the world with an estimated one in eight persons owning a boat. The moderate climate in New Zealand allows boating all year round and there are many sheltered harbours and islands for boaties to enjoy.
NZ Marine Industry Association

NZ Marine Industry Association
Full Member
Peter Busfield – Executive Director
PO Box 90448