Marine Rescue New South Wales


Yesterday ICOMIA’s CEO Joe Lynch met with Mike Hammond, a Superintendent from Marine Rescue New South Wales

Mike is touring the many search, rescue and life boat services in Europe and North America in order to collate the “state of the industry” when it comes to safety at sea. Mike has secured funding from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust as is tasked with creating a report that focusses on how the emerging technologies within the leisure boating industry create both new challenges and opportunities to make boating safer.

They discussed how the proliferation of innovative craft and emerging technologies opens up so many new opportunities, but that training and best practise need to evolve at the same pace.

These are all subjects that the various technical working committees within ICOMIA are already working on, so it was a great pleasure to make the introductions to the leading experts in their fields.

This is a great embodiment of the work of ICOMIA – connecting experts from around the world who are willing to collaborate to make a safer and more sustainable future for everyone in boating.

We look forward to seeing the end report and sharing it with all our members.