ICOMIA Asia Project Reports Published


On 9 July 2018, ICOMIA published a series of reports on the Asian boating market, giving insight and recommendations in to how to develop the leisure boating industry in these emerging markets.
ICOMIA are committed to helping the development of the boating industry in Asia. With the help of our sponsors, ICOMIA has created a series of reports on the Asian boating market. These reports are the first outputs of the ICOMIA Asia Project, reporting on Hong Kong, Malaysia, Macau and Singapore. Reports on more Asian countries will follow in due course.
For each of the four countries, the reports detail national statistics including boat population, marinas and other boating facilities and industry and infrastructure statistics including boat and yacht manufacturers; boating clubs and mooring facilities; boat and equipment imports and dealers; repair facilities for yachts; and employment in the industry.
As well as detailing these statistics, the reports identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats regarding the growth of the industry, including barriers to trade such as taxation and government attitudes. The reports also make recommendations on how to develop a leisure boating friendly environment in these counties.
These valuable insights are available in the ICOMIA Asia Project Reports and associated excel sheets, which can be purchased here. Distribution rights only available to sponsors, please get in touch if you would like to sponsor the ongoing ICOMIA Asia Project.

With thanks to the ICOMIA Asia Project sponsors: AkzoNobel, Boatshed, Camper & Nicholsons Marinas, Correct Craft, Groupe Beneteau, KIBS, Mercury, Simpson Marine and SBIA.