British Marine – BM

British Marine – BM

Full Member

Marine House

Egham, Surrey, TW20 8BF


British Marine (BM) is the trade association for the UK`s boating industry. Its primary role is to represent and promote the industry both within the UK and abroad. The Federation has approximately 1500 members, which are drawn from a wide cross-section of the UK boating industry, from boat builders to marina operators, hire boat operators to specialist equipment and clothing manufacturers.


BM Members represent over 75% of the UK marine industry revenue, which annually is worth in excess of £2.8 billion, of which 33.1% is exported. There are also 31 Regional and Group Associations representing specialist interests within the industry. British Marine offers a range of services for the benefit of members. These include services to assist members to operate and grow their own businesses effectively, such as technical information, training courses, legal advice and a dedicated export service. In addition, the Federation strives to keep members fully informed of environmental, economic and political issues and represent their views to government and regulators.


British Marine, through its subsidiary National Boat Shows, runs the two leading boating exhibitions: the London Boat Show and the PSP Southampton Boat Show. These annual exhibitions provide major showcases for the industry and are also an opportunity to reach the public with important messages about career development and participation in boating.