Finnish Marine Industries Federation – FINNBOAT

Finnish Marine Industries Federation – FINNBOAT

Full Member

Jarkko Pajusalo

Käenkuja 8 A 47



The task of the federation is to bring boating enterprises together under the same roof, to promote enterprise activities and healthy competition, and to advance boating activities and the safety aspects of boating in Finland.
Finnish Fair Corporation is the organiser of the Helsinki International Boat Show commissioned by Finnboat. In August every year Finnboat also organises the Helsinki Boat-Afloat Show (

Besides of exhibition activities, the tasks of Finnboat consist of e.g.

– Finnboat News every quarter
– Required documents and forms for boat trading
– Marine Industry and trade statistics
– Boat Parliament training sessions
– Press conferences and press releases
– Industry co-ordination of export projects (E.g. market research trips, shared stands and advertising)
– Finnboat Export Directory –
– Publicity to promote boating activities on the domestic market
– Co-operation with boating organisations, national authorities and other institutes
– ABC Guide to Boating

The membership comprises four associations with some 300 member companies.

– Finnish Boating Industry Association (boatbuilders and equipment manufacturers, boat designers)
– Finnish Marine Equipment Suppliers` Association (boat, engine, and component importers)
– Finnish Marine Retailers` Association (marine retailers)
– Association of Finnish Boatyards (service and repair)